31.5 Loading Code: Don’t… But Use requireNamespace
When You Do
The very short version of this section: We want to maintain clear separation between the package’s namespace (which we control and want to keep predictable) and the global namespace (which the user controls, might change in ways we have no control over, and will be justifiably angry if we change it in ways they were not expecting). Therefore, avoid attaching packages to the search path (so no Depends
and no library()
or require()
inside functions), and do not explicitly load other namespaces if you can help it.
The longer version requires that we make a distinction often glossed over: Loading a package makes it possible for R to find things in the package namespace and does any actions needed to make it ready for use (e.g. running its .onLoad method, loading DLLs if the package contains compiled code, etc). Attaching a package (usually by calling library("somePackage")
) loads it if it wasn’t already loaded, and then adds it to the search path so that the user can find things in its namespace. As discussed in the “Declaring Dependancies” section above, dependencies listed in Depends
will be attached when your package is attached, but they will be neither attached nor loaded when your package is loaded without being attached.
Loading a dependency into the package namespace is undesirable because it makes it hard to understand our own code – if we need to use something from elsewhere, we’d prefer call it from its own namespace using ::
(which implicitly loads the dependency!) or explicitly import it with a Roxygen @import
directive. But in a few cases this isn’t enough. The most common reason to need to explicitly load a dependency is that some packages define new S3 methods for generic functions defined in other packages, but do not export these methods directly. We would prefer that these packages did not do this, but sometimes we have to use them anyway. An example from PEcAn is that PEcAn.MA needs to call as.matrix
on objects of class mcmc.list
. When the coda
namespace is loaded, as.matrix(some_mcmc.list)
can be correctly dispatched by base::as.matrix
to the unexported method coda:::as.matrix.mcmc.list
, but when coda
is not loaded this dispatch will fail. Unfortunately coda does not export as.matrix.mcmc.list
so we cannot call it directly or import it into the PEcAn.MA namespace, so instead we load the coda
namespace whenever PEcAn.MA is loaded.
Attaching packages to the user’s search path is even more problematic because it makes it hard for the user to understand how your package will affect their own code. Packages attached by a function stay attached after the function exits, so they can cause name collisions far downstream of the function call, potentially in code that has nothing to do with your package. And worse, since names are looked up in reverse order of package loading, it can cause behavior that differs in strange ways depending on the order of lines that look independent of each other:
x = ...
y = 3
summarize(x) # calls Hmisc::summarize
y2 <- some_package_that_attaches_dplyr::innocent.looking.function(y)
# Loading required package: dplyr
summarize(x) # Looks identical to previous summarize, but calls dplyr::summarize!
This is not to say that users will never want your package to attach another one for them, just that it’s rare and that attaching dependencies is much more likely to cause bugs than to fix them and additionally doesn’t usually save the package author any work.
One possible exception to the do-not-attach-packages rule is a case where your dependency ignores all good practice and wrongly assumes, without checking, that all of its own dependencies are attached; if its DESCRIPTION uses only Depends
instead of Imports
, this is often a warning sign. For example, a small-but-surprising number of packages depend on the methods
package without proper checks (this is probably because most but not all R interpreters attach methods
by default and therefore it’s easy for an author to forget it might ever be otherwise unless they happen to test with a but-not-all interpreter).
If you find yourself with a dependency that does this, accept first that you are relying on a package that is broken, and you should either convince its maintainer to fix it or find a way to remove the dependency from PEcAn. But as a short-term workaround, it is sometimes possible for your code to attach the direct dependency so that it will behave right with regard to its secondary dependencies. If so, make sure the attachment happens every time your package is loaded (e.g. by calling library(depname)
inside your package’s .onLoad
method) and not just when your package is attached (e.g. by putting it in Depends).
When you do need to load or attach a dependency, it is probably better to do it inside your package’s .onLoad
method rather than in individual functions, but this isn’t ironclad. To only load, use requireNamespace(pkgname, quietly=TRUE)
– this will make it available inside your package’s namespace while avoiding (most) annoying loadtime messages and not disturbing the user’s search path. To attach when you really can’t avoid it, declare the dependency in Depends
and also attach it using library(pkgname)
in your .onLoad method.
Note that scripts in inst/
are considered to be sample code rather than part of the package namespace, so it is acceptable for them to explicitly attach packages using library()
. You may also see code that uses require(pkgname)
; this is just like library
, but returns FALSE instead of erroring if package load fails. It is OK for scripts in inst/
that can do and do do something useful when a dependency is missing, but if it is used as if(!require(pkg)){ stop(...)}
then replace it with library(pkg)
If you think your package needs to load or attach code for any reason, please note why in your pull request description and be prepared for questions about it during code review. If your reviewers can think of an alternate approach that avoids loading or attaching, they will likely ask you to use it even if it creates extra work for you.