
Below you will find the buttons to step through the workflow creation process.

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The following pages will guide you through setting up a PEcAn worklflow. You will be able to always go back to a previous step to change inputs. However once the model is running it will continue to run until it finishes. You will be able to use the history button to jump to existing executions of PEcAn.

The following webpages will help to setup the PEcAn workflow. You will be asked the following questions:

  1. Host and Model You will first select the host to run the workflow on as well as the model to be exectuted.
  2. Site The next step is to select the site where the model should be run for.
  3. Model Parameters Based on the site some final parameters for the model will need to be selected.
  4. Model Execution Once all variables are selected PEcAn will execute the workflow.
  5. Results After execution of the PEcAn workflow you will be presented with a page showing the results of the PEcAn workflow.